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Investment Methodology

CAM's alternative investment approach embraces the three fundamental decisions of successful money management:

Identify the Opportunity
CAM's proprietary market-entry system analyzes the trend of the market and identifies opportunities with the strongest potential for reward. CAM screens an internal stock database of over 10,000 exchange listed securities and indices to ensure complete coverage of all opportunities available in the U.S. equity markets.

Assess the Risk of the Opportunity
CAM's proprietary risk management system utilizes a quantitative position-sizing algorithm to calculate and minimize the dollar risk of each opportunity. CAM makes the most of invested funds by optimizing the reward-to-risk ratio of each opportunity.

Determine the End of an Opportunity
CAM's proprietary market-exit system determines the optimal exit point of each opportunity. CAM establishes the worst-case scenario for each opportunity and safeguards against significant loss due to a change in the trend of the market.

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